Cancer Foundation Papua New Guinea – Pink Ribbon Lunch
- by DoWH
- 15th December 2024
Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation hosted its Pink Ribbon Lunch today at the Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby as part of their Pinktober Luncheon. Department of Works & Highways supports the worthy course and paid for two tables which is 10 heads per table. Attended the event was Executive Director for Governance & Compliance John Ame, First Assistant Secretary for Policy Compliance William Kupe, First Assistant Secretary for AGE & QS Vaghi Gairo Wagga, Naomi Parker and other officers of the department. Also attended the event were other corporate organizations and their officers.
Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation (PNGCF) is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) formed to improve the coordination of cancer education across Papua New Guinea. It was mandated by the Papua New Guinea National Department of Health to focus on public health as the first pillar of the cancer control continuum. (Retrieved 26th October, 2020 from: https// Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation’s main source of funding is through corporate sponsorship or donations & project supporters. The Foundation is governed by a multi-sectoral board of volunteers made up of health professionals, private sector executives and relevant cancer stake holders.
Pinktober luncheon is basically a fundraising event towards cancer treatment in women hence, pink ribbons are a symbol of the extremely delicate state of women, which is breast cancer. Therefore, every October, breast cancer ribbon is seen all over the world. Men and women unite in a display of pink symbolism that sends a message about the concern of breast cancer viciousness
Officiating the event was Lawrence Lahari, Her Excellency Emeline Tufi Dadae wife of the Governor General of PNG as the keynote speaker including guest speakers Dame Carol Kidu, DBE, followed by Head of Reproductive Health Obstetrics and Gynaecology Professor Glen Mola and Charles Pfauwadel Vice President of airswift as the major sponsor of the event.
The Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation conducts education and awareness programmes that educate on cancer prevention and encourage healthy lifestyle choices among Papua New Guineans. As Professor Glen Mola mentioned during his speech, one of the main issue Papua New Guinea Heath System has faced year in year out is although cancer is a treatable disease, many people die of it due to lack of cancer treatment in the country. As a result, high rates of cancer in Papua New Guinea and the lack of cancer treatment and facilities in the country is an ongoing issue that needs to be dealt with by the Papua New Guinea Government.
Professor Glen Mola encourage both men and women to seek medical attention as soon as possible when they notice signs of cancer. Do not shy away and delay he said, prevention and treatment at an early stage is better than last minute at final stage especially cervical cancer in women and other common cancers in men as well as women. Cancer treatment is cheap but we do not have the money in PNG because the funding from the government is very little.