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The Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) announcement of the continued efforts to implement the CDRM Phase 2 to strengthen and building capacity of Department of Works & Highways at the sub-national road network level for four target provinces in the country. 


Department of Works & Highways to support the JICA CDRM Phase 2 program implementation in the first four provinces. Under the CDRM Phase 2 program, the provinces are Madang, East New Britain Province, Western Province and West Sepik Province which brings the total to 4 provinces respectively into the CDRM Phase 2.


Provincial Works Managers of the four target provinces introduces the project sites in their province respectively during the second Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meeting that was held at DoWH Headquarters on 29th of March 2022. However, the main hindrance the target provinces faced since the implementation of CDRM Phase 2 is the delay of funds from the PNG Government which results in slow work progress or no progress at all.


JICA Chief Representative Mr Masato Koinuma encourages JICA Expertise, DoWH Officials and important stakeholders that their best collaborative efforts could ensure that these continuing projects would release output as a big part of Connect PNG Policy. Work Implementation Progress Project for CDRM Phase 2 was well represented by JICA for Department of Works & Highways in the second Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meeting.


Projects sustainability is one of the most important aspects for technical cooperation and needs good cooperation and support. Mr Masato said to strongly involve the project teams to ensure these final projects are completed successfully as scheduled. He also encourages DoWH to take ownership of these projects by ensuring timely and adequate counterpart funding made available to support these projects implementation. JICA encourages gender equality and request expertise and DoWH to consider gender balance in trainings of civil engineers and mechanics course. 


In response to points raised by Mr Masato, a/ FAS of Plant & Transport Division (PTD) reassured the JICA Committee that the maintenance, the safekeeping for the equipment and training is an ongoing quality for PTD and will continue to maintain that and our team on the ground are fully trained to take on the responsibilities. And as per the recruitment, PTD will strongly ensure that these positions are filled by existing team in the program to continue to implement. 

In the closing remarks, Mr Masato Koinuma thanks the DoWH officials and encourage good cooperation and support and input from everyone to accomplish these projects successfully.